Job Detail

Job Position - Department

Demonstrator / Lecturer - Indus College of Nursing & Midwifery


Minimum of 2-3 years of teaching experience in nursing education.


BSN/AHA Certified

Last Date

6/28/2024 12:00:00 AM

Job Description

Demonstrator / Lecturer use of practical equipment in skills lab and clinical setting, conduct procedures in skills lab/clinical setting to the students, conduct workshops and/or processes and to answer questions related to those demonstrations. He/she monitors students’ performance in clinical setting and skills lab.

  1. To assist/give guidance, where required, to students who are carrying out practical exercises in the skills lab and clinical setting.
  2. Responsible for the day-to-day operation of Skills lab and clinical activities.
  3. To be aware of any health and safety implications of procedures, and take action to maintain a safe environment, raising any concerns with the course coordinator/nursing supervisor.
  4. Where required, provide feedback on student performance and any issues arising in the course of the demonstration, to the course coordinator/nursing supervisor.
  5. Where required, to assist in marking student tests set by the course coordinator using defined marking criteria where marking requires little or no interpretation.
  6. Develop clinical plans for students based on their learning needs and coordinate all communications related to clinical plan with the course coordinator.
  7. Provide supervision to all students in their clinical activities and maintain clinical records of students’ attendance, clinical teaching and other relevant activities.
  8. Evaluate the clinical and/or skills performance of students and timely report to the course coordinator.


  1. Competence in skills teaching in the skills lab and clinical setting
  2. Good Communication and inter-personal skills
  3. Good Supervision and mentoring skills
  4. Cultural competence
  5. Professionalism
  6.  Understanding of Ethical and Legal processes
  7. Good leadership and managerial skills